Welcome to The Sugared Magnolia
Today I am launching into the blog-o-sphere.
Recently, I have had a few people suggest that this would be a great way to share some of the things I love. I have no idea where this blog will land in the future, but for now I will be posting random things that I find interesting.
Currently, I am exploring the world of healthy living and have discovered a handful of ways to use essential oils in my every day life by making various items.
The first thing that was a successful creation is laundry soap. I have always preferred unscented detergents and, have therefore, spent much more money on it than I needed to over the years.
Powdered Laundry Detergent
1 bar Soap (Fels Naptha, Zote, Dr Bronners, Ivory)
1 cup Washing Soda
1 cup Borax
20-40 drops Essential Oils for scent (can be left out if no scent is desired)
Grate the soap bar, mix together other ingredients in a glass jar.
I have found cutting the soap bar in chunks and then pulsing in a food processor works very well, then add washing soda and borax and pulse to blend all ingredients.
Use 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon per load. For extra dirty laundry use a bit more of the powder.
This is enough for my family laundry for 6-8 weeks. The cost to make is $1.75 and that breaks down to about $0.07 a load.
At my local Publix
Washing soda $2.99
Borax $2.99
Fels Naptha $0.99
(the Washing Soda and Borax boxes hold roughly 8 cups each)
I first found this laundry powder at this blog: http://www.diynatural.com/homemade-laundry-detergent-soap/
This powder works in HE machines, just use the smaller amount noted above.
It also works on cloth diapers, actually cloth diapers are the main reason I started exploring the world of chemical free detergents. More on that in another post.
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